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Knight Rider
Knight Rider replicas: wireless mike microphone interface for voicebox
Knight Rider replicas: wireless mike microphone interface for voicebox
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Knight Rider replicas: wireless mike microphone interface for voicebox
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Knight Rider replicas wireless mike microphone interface for voicebox
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Microphone interface intended to be used with any of our Knight Rider voicebox models.
For installations where a direct speaker connection is not possible or not wanted.
Allows the voicebox to react to any sound in its environment, including multiple sources and your own voice.
Simple hook-up to the MINI voicebox.
Built-in microphone. Adjustable gain.
Note: we had several customers who requested that product to be developed so we did, and frankly we never thought it would be so much fun. Now we keep this interface ON all the time in the office with our demo voicebox units.
Operates from any 12Vdc supply.
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